Team Cap Has The Support Of A Major Star Wars Actor

Team Cap Has The Support Of A Major Star Wars Actor image
This year the superhero genre is forcing fans to pick sides. DC is forcing us all to choose between Batman and Superman while Marvel has us making a decision between Team Captain America and Team Iron Man. Star Wars: The Force Awakensactor John Boyega has decided that it’s important that he go public with whom he’ll be supporting when Captain America: Civil War hits screens in May. He’s "fully" on board with #TeamCap.

It makes sense that John Boyega would be focusing on the big Marvel film for the year. It'd be no surprise if he were contractually obligated by Disney to focus on Captain America: Civil War rather than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Having said that, his support for Captain America and the anti-registration side of the Civil War fight is unequivocal on Twitter

There's not a shred of doubt in his words. He's Team Cap, fully. 

John boyega

John Boyega, like most on Team Cap we would figure, feels that the destruction that is being laid at the feet of the Avengers, is actually the work of the villains, not the Avengers themselves, and the heroes shouldn't suffer for it. He also takes a couple of shots at Iron Man and his pro-registration side, envisioning a scenario where a superhero is standing around, watching some disaster take place, unable to save lives because his paperwork is not in order.

While Finn will not be actually able to back up in Team Cap, except in the fanfic that’s being written as we speak, he’ll have plenty of help in the form of Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Falcon. Although Tony Stark will have an ace in the hole that Team Cap won’t be expecting, and likely won’t know what to do with.

We’re not sure if any other Star Wars actors are as invested in Captain America: Civil War as John Boyega is. We’re secretly hoping that Oscar Isaac is a Team Iron Man guy, as that would make for an entertaining conflict as we wait for the film to hit in May.

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