Zack Snyder Talks Batman V Superman Ultimate Cut

Today is the day Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice storms theaters across America. Whether you believe the early critical response or the early fan reaction, comic book fan and DC fanatics will be all over this movie. After all, it’s still Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Lex Luthor, among others, in the rumble which kick starts the DC Extended Universe.
Viewers should be prepared for quite the extended viewing experience, though. They’ll be strapped into their seats for two and a half hours of Batmobileheat vision, Wonder Woman’s reduced but impressive powers, plenty of supervillain scheming, and Justice Leaguer primers. Yet, as the saying goes, ‘but wait, there’s more.’
Director Zack Snyder recently discussed his Ultimate “Director’s Cut” of Batman V Superman with Collider. Not just a dirtied up version of the film, his R-rated version (apparently cut before Deadpool made its splash, according to co-producer Deborah Snyder) will run a full half hour longer than the about-to-be-released film. Snyder even says the extended cut will include more characters such as the chopped Jena Malone part. Snyder delves into the meat of his expansive version:
“We call it the Ultimate Cut because to me it’s a deeper dive into that world and there are storylines in there that get fleshed out by the longer version… I would say that we didn’t really take out much of the Superman/Batman story because I felt like, you know that’s kind of the movie, but there was some sort of interstitial stuff that surrounds the story, that kind of finishes some of the ideas that we trimmed back, and I think that’s what you get.”
So what’s missing from the theatrical release versus the director’s cut? Snyder explains a little bit of what devotees that pick up the Blu-ray/DVD will experience. He says:
“There’s a little bit of action, there’s a little bit of violence that we trimmed out for the MPAA that we put back. The Batman warehouse rescue, there’s a couple shots of Doomsday that were too intense. Then there’s a little bit longer ending, sort of the ending sequence, and the opening of the movie, the North Africa sequence is really much different.”
batman v superman wonder woman powers Zack Snyder Talks Batman V Superman Ultimate Cut
Since initial complaints by critics have derided the film for its lack of time given to character development, Snyder feels that his longer, slightly more violent version will spend more time setting the mood, exploring the characters, and extending the falling action as well as the formation of the Justice League. Snyder illustrates upon the differences between the theatrical and director’s cuts by comparing them it to the different formats of his Watchmen movie:
“If you watch Watchmen on TNT or whatever, the TV cut, it’s the movie, it’s in there, if you watch it you’re like, ‘Oh okay, I get it,’ but all the edges get knocked off of it by the nature of putting something that’s kind of that rough on TV. In a weird way, the theatrical cut is a step up from that, and then the director’s cut [of Watchmen] is really where it’s at, in my opinion. With a movie like that where I was in a, I don’t wanna say I was in a battle with the studio but I was probably more headstrong on that movie because the material was so important to me.”
Making a movie on the scale of Batman V Superman, with the searing expectations of fans, critics, and the studio, is a true balancing act. Snyder, an admitted comic book fan, clearly tried to pack as much into the theatrical release as possible. Including everything he and the fans yearn for simply isn’t possible, as Snyder relates, “when you get over two and a half hours the studio starts getting nervous.” Much like with Watchmen, though, Snyder may have used a longer cut as a leverage point. Even if Warner Bros. balked at a long, R-rated theatrical release, announcing more in-depth version after Deadpool’s success was a smart move which likely will ratchet up home entertainment sales.
Aside from post-theatrical sales, though, Warner Bros. decision to proclaim an extended director’s cut before the theatrical release is a curious and slightly foreboding maneuver. Although Snyder doesn’t mention which cut he prefers, hopefully the missing footage doesn’t detract from the overall flow of the story (as some critics have suggested). Time will only tell, though, since opening weekend is upon us. Here’s hoping when Batman meets Superman, the results are nothing but epic.

X-Men: Apocalypse Images Highlight Angel & New X-Men Uniforms

The Age of Apocalypse is approaching, with X-Men: Apocalypse set to hit theaters in May. As comic book movie fans converge on the Internet to debate whether Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is bad or merely OK, the time has come for the X-Men franchise to ramp up its own marketing push.
With the second trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse having dropped last week and sparking plenty of discussions, Fox now has to keep the momentum going by showing audiences just enough to keep their interest in the movie going but not too much to spoil it. One way to do that is by offering closer looks at the film’s characters, and now fans are getting exactly that.
The May print edition of Empire is set to have not just one, but nine different coversfeaturing the villains of X-Men: Apocalypse, and an additional cover for subscribers as well. To drum up interest in the magazine they’ve posted all the covers online in advance, and now they have posted some of the pictures from inside the magazine as well. See all four images below:

oscar isaac x men apocalypse X Men: Apocalypse Images Highlight Angel & New X Men Uniforms
ben hardy angel x men apocalypse X Men: Apocalypse Images Highlight Angel & New X Men Uniforms
x men apocalypse cast X Men: Apocalypse Images Highlight Angel & New X Men Uniforms
sophie turner kodi smit mcphee x men apocalypse X Men: Apocalypse Images Highlight Angel & New X Men Uniforms
The pictures offer glimpses both new and old from the movie. For instance, the image of Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse laying on a slap and absorbing some sort of blue energy was seen in the last trailer. The picture of a leather-jacketed Angel, however, is a new one. Storm is included in the picture of Xavier’s assembled X-Men team, which raises the question of when exactly in the movie she makes the switch. We know from previous images and footage that Storm starts off on team Apocalypse, but for how long is still unknown. Finally, there is Sophie Turner as Jean Grey and Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler, with both actors being new to the roles.
X-Men Apocalypse will have its work cut out for it coming hot on the heels of Captain America: Civil War, which has seen a strong marketing push of its own. With Marvel, Fox, and Warner Bros. duking it out for the hard-earned dollars of comic book movie fans, moviegoers will continue to have an increasing number of options for getting their superhero fix.

Wonder Woman Movie Image & Details Introduce the Amazons

The early reviews for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice are… well, not great would be putting it mildly. But while critics are roasting Zack Snyder’s $250 million superhero grudge match for its direction, tone, screenplay, acting and even length, at least there seems to be positive consensus among at least one aspect of the film: Wonder Woman steals the show. Gal Gadot’s avenging Amazon may not play an especially large role in the film (more of a special-guest cameo than a co-star), but she does get to participate in its biggest action scene – and even gets her own signature heavy metal guitar riff theme music. Not a bad tease for the solo Wonder Woman movie due to hit theaters June 2017.
The image (courtesy of EW) marks the first look Warner Bros has afforded at any of the film’s Amazon characters outside of Wonder Woman herself, revealing that while the film preserves touches of the DC Universe Amazons’ traditional grounding in the Greek myth on which they’re based, a broader fantasy/action aesthetic has been adopted as well. The armor and weapondesigns in particular bear a strong resemblance to those seen in the Thormovies, but also the prevailing visual-style of many modern video games and comics as well. Exlains producer Charles Roven:
“Themyscira is influenced by the Greek but it’s clearly more then that. It’s a place that has the ‘you’ve never been to’ kind of feel. But once you’re there you’re not so sure you really want to leave so fast.” The first image from the Wonder Woman solo film has now been released. Fittingly enough, it shows Diana in her pre-Wonder Woman days – alongside the team of Amazons who set out to help Diana find her heroic destiny.
The image (courtesy of EW) marks the first look Warner Bros has afforded at any of the film’s Amazon characters outside of Wonder Woman herself, revealing that while the film preserves touches of the DC Universe Amazons’ traditional grounding in the Greek myth on which they’re based, a broader fantasy/action aesthetic has been adopted as well. The armor and weapondesigns in particular bear a strong resemblance to those seen in the Thormovies, but also the prevailing visual-style of many modern video games and comics as well. Exlains producer Charles Roven:
“Themyscira is influenced by the Greek but it’s clearly more then that. It’s a place that has the ‘you’ve never been to’ kind of feel. But once you’re there you’re not so sure you really want to leave so fast.”
This also counts as the first official look at Connie Neilsen, Robin Wright and Lisa Loven Kongsli as the three Amazons who will figure most prominently in Diana’s development: Neilsen plays Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother and Queen of The Amazons, while Wright’s General Antiope and Kongsli’s Lieutenant Menalippe are in charge of her training. In the original versions of the story, The Amazons living on the secret island of Themyscira are the originals of Greek myth; an exclusively-female warrior race who rebelled against their enslavement and subjugation by the armies of Hercules (as in the myth) and established a hidden society away from Man’s World.
In keeping with the character’s conventional comic book origin, Diana is the only child to have been born and raised on Themyscira, while the others are immortals who have existed since the days of ancient Greece. Traditionally, Diana is “born” from her mother forming a baby out of clay and bidding the goddess Aphrodite to imbue it with life, though recent stories in DC’s “New 52″ comic book continuity have imagined her as a daughter of Zeus. It is not clear which variation (if any) will turn up in the finished film.
Sharp-eyed fans, however, will notice that The Amazons are adhering to at least one decidedly old-school comic book trope when it comes to their costuming: their battle-armor comes equipped with plenty of bare skin and high-heels. And while “impractical” costumes for female superheroes are the subject of frequent criticism today, according to the film’s director Patty Jenkins and costume designer Lindy Hemming, the look is intentional – and serves a purpose.
Said Jenkins, who also clarifies that the heels do in fact get swapped for flats for “heavy fighting” sequences in the Wonder Woman film:
“To me, they shouldn’t be dressed in armor like men. It should be different. It should be authentic and real—and appealing to women.”
“It’s total wish-fulfillment. I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time—the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body. That makes them feel like the hero they want to be. And my hero, in my head, has really long legs.”

Can Batman V Superman Top Deadpool At Box Office?

 Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is finally here. Easily one of the most anticipated films of 2016, the Man of Steel follow-up is seen as the true launching pad for the burgeoning DC Extended Universe. After years of hoping for DC’s collected superheroes to join forces on the big screen, longtime fans are finally getting that wish fulfilled. Warner Bros. has scheduled a full slate of adaptations for release between now and 2020, indicating they are confident in the franchise’s ability to draw in moviegoers.
Announced at San Diego Comic-Con 2013, Zack Snyder’s 

As the first live-action pairing of pop culture icons Batman and Superman, it has always been expected that Dawn of Justice would do well financially. Tracking indicates that it will bring in about $350 million worldwide during its opening weekend, around $150 million of that domestically. Whether it’s fair or not, many moviegoers will be comparing Batman V Superman‘s box office performance to that of the first superhero blockbuster of 2016: Deadpool. Fox’s mid-budget, R-rated, non-3D project rode strong word-of-mouth to the tune of $132.4 million in its first three days, a February record. Some have set that as the benchmark Dawn of Justice must clear to be considered successful, but can it? Let’s break it down.

At first glance, Batman V Superman should have no issues grossing more than $150 million. For more than 70 years, the Dark Knight and the Last Son of Krypton have been at the forefront of the zeitgeist, each one starring in his own set of hit movies. In particular, Batman is a major draw for audiences; Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy made $2.5 billion collectively very recently. Superman isn’t exactly a slouch either, since Man of Steel‘s $668 million global haul was enough to warrant the green light of an entire series set in the world it established. Bringing them together is something that will generate a lot of interest, making this a true cinematic event. Case in point: it’s already surpassed similar genre titles in terms of advanced ticket sales.

Batman V Superman should also receive a healthy boost from its release date, where there is minimal “competition.” Other than the far-too-late sequel My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, no other films are opening wide this weekend. It appears that the industry as a whole is staying away from Snyder’s movie, paving the way for Dawn of Justice to be a monumental hit. With IMAX 3D premiums, a more-inclusive PG-13 rating, and some of the most recognizable superheroes on the planet, odds are Batman V Superman will be able to meet the high (commercial) expectations and perhaps set a new record for an opening weekend in March, currently $152.5 million by the first Hunger Games.
If there’s anything that will cause the film to fall to the lower end of projections, it’s word-of-mouth. In stark contrast from Deadpool, the early reviews for Batman V Superman have been largely negative. It’s true that Man of Steel was able to gross $116.6 million during its first three days with its mixed reaction, but the response this time has arguably been worse. The Superman reboot scored a 56 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and as of this writing, Batman V Superman stands at a paltry 31 percent. Many moviegoers weren’t pleased with Snyder’s darker take on Kal-El, leading them to be skeptical of Dawn of Justice‘s quality; casual viewers left unimpressed by the first film may choose to sit this round out. Despite that, estimates for Batman V Superman remain high. Box Office says it will make $172 million over the weekend, which would be a great start.
As we’ve said, the poor reviews will prevent Dawn of Justice from surpassing the initial projections, a la Deadpoolor Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The chances of it posting $200 million are slim because of the bad buzz. Still, this is a film that has been greatly anticipated by millions of people for years, meaning that in a way it is “critic proof.” No matter what the pundits said, moviegoers were going to turn out en masse to see Batman and Superman share the same frame in a live-action film. There were never any doubts about its potential box office prowess, the debate was always how high could it go. Given that it’s breaking Fandango records and is coming out during a time with few other blockbusters playing, it would be a shock if Batman V Superman did not top Deadpool, even if it was “only” $140 million domestically.
The far more interesting discussion is how well Batman V Superman will hold in the coming weeks, but that’s a talk for another day.
Next week: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice takes on the competition in its second weekend!

Ben Affleck Confirms ‘Batman’ Solo Movie?

Back in July, just before Comic Con, a report surfaced that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice star Ben Affleck had signed on to direct and star in an Untitled Batman Reboot, with the actor/filmmaker also set to co-write the script with Geoff Johns. While Warner Bros. hasn't officially set a release date yet, the actor/filmmaker confirmed earlier this month that the Batman reboot is in development, but he isn't quite ready to take on that project yet. DC All Access managed to catch up with Ben Affleck, who confirmed he's working on "something" with Geoff Johnsthat he's really excited about.
"Geoff Johns is a brilliant guy. I consider him to be the most valued resource on all things comic book. And every time I like something in a comic I mention, he goes, 'Oh yeah, I wrote that.' Now I just think he's bullshitting me, because he says he wrote everything. He and I are working together on something and I really am excited about it and I love him. He's the best."
We first heard about this reboot shortly after Warner Bros. screened a "near finished cut" of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the film's crew and studio executives, which was reportedly met with a standing ovation once the credits rolled. This report claims the studio was so impressed with Ben Affleck's performance that they are working out an extended deal with the actor that would lock him in as Batman "for the next 10 years or so." Studio executives reportedly consider the actor as "the definitive Batman," and plan on centering their entire DC movie universe around his character. During a press conference for Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeBen Affleck was asked if he'd ever consider directing a DC movie. He didn't specifically mention the Untitled Batman Reboot, though he did talk about how much he learned from director Zack Snyder and writer Chris Terrio.
"Sure, I would. For me, as a director, it's about the material and the characters, so if I found the right material, I would definitely throw my hat in the ring to direct something on this scale. I'm definitely bolder now, certainly having learned from and watched Zack and Chris put this movie together. One of the really valuable things about it for me, aside from the personal experience of playing the part, was watching a guy who really understands how to make films on this level - with cutting edge technology, combining in camera stuff with visual effects and stunts and practical effects and all the tools at a director's disposal and seeing how Zack sort of meticulously constructed that using literally hand-drawn story-boards, frame by frame and evolving those into the movie that you saw, with a consistent vision. I wondered about directing movies like this before and it was really a very valuable learning experience for me to watch Zack do it and see how he did it, so I felt like, you know, if that day did come, I'd definitely pick up a lot of valuable information."
Ben Affleck is currently directing Live by Night, scheduled for release on October 20, 2017. The actor will likely then transition right over to filming Justice League Part 1, which starts production in the U.K. on April 11. Hopefully we'll hear more about the Untitled Batman Rebootafter Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters this weekend. Take a look at this week's episode of DC All Access, and you can skip to the 3:49 mark for Ben Affleck's comments.

‘Predator 4’ Is a Big Budget Event Movie, Schwarzenegger Still in Talks

Back in 2014, 20th Century Fox made the surprise announcement that they were moving forward with a new Predator, with Shane Black set to write and direct. The filmmaker has a unique history with the franchise, since the studio wanted him to rewrite the original Predatorscript. They offered him an on-screen role as Hawkins, in hopes that he would also help punch up the screenplay while the movie was in production, although he never touched it. Thrillist caught up with the writer-director, who shed some light on why he took on this project, revealing that the studio wants to treat it as an "event movie."
"They called me and I was reluctant. I said, 'Look. You guys at Fox, I mean, I enjoy these movies, but we've been churning out these AVP whatever, they each cost a certain amount of money, they're okay, but there's no effort to elevate them or make them any kind of an event.' They're just sort of another Predator. 'Oh, there's another one that came out.' They said, 'What if we said to you we want to reinvent this, and really treat it with as much of an event status, or as much hoopla as we would the Alien prequel (Alien: Covenant), which is coming out also? We really want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up for.' I said, 'Really, you'll spend a bunch of money?' They go, 'Yep.' I go, 'Make it really scale, spectacle?' 'Yep.' 'Shit, that sounds interesting.'"
The original Predator followed Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger), who lead a group of soldiers on a mission in Central America to take down a gun running operation, where they run into the mysterious title character (Kevin Peter Hall), who hunts them down one by one. The movie wasn't a massive blockbuster, but it was profitable, earning just under $100 million worldwide from a $15 million budget. The movie spawned 1990's Predator 2, which moved the action to Los Angeles, followed by Alien Vs. Predator (2004) Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem(2007) and Predators (2010). Shane Black has already confirmed that this new Predator is a sequel, and in this new interview he compared the size and scope of his last directorial effort, Marvel's Iron Man 3.
"I think the first one was great, and it was contained, and it was a perfect little gem for what it was. I think there's an expansion that needs to take place, and also just a love for that era, that movie, and the mythology of the Predator. I think that they came to me knowing pretty much that... they said, basically, if I wanted to make Predatorbut treat it like it was Iron Man 3 instead of just another little movie. I said, 'Let's really do it right this time.'"
Earlier this month, original Predator star Arnold Schwarzenegger teased that he was meeting with Shane Black soon to discuss the possibility of starring in this sequel. While nothing is set in stone quite yet, the filmmaker teased that the actor is "still in talks" and that the script, which the director co-wrote with Fred Dekker, is "still a secret." It isn't known if the filmmaker will bring back any of the Predator 2 or Predators stars as well, but it's certainly possible. Are you glad that the director and the studio are treating Predator as a huge event film?

To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Ticket

The moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived. The Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel have thrown down, and chances are you’re going to see the insanity that isBatman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice at some point this weekend. Now while we’ve already spoken to whether the film itself is worth your time, there’s a bigger question that needs answering. Which means it’s time to dust off the To 3D-mobile and get down to the business of whether Zack Snyder’s latest foray into comic adaptations is worth the extra ticket money. Though if you want to see just how much we liked the movie itself, you can click here and read our review. Other than that, it’s time to answer that ever famous question: to 3D or not to 3D?    

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a film so fit for 3D, it’s a surprise the script wasn’t printed in such a way that a pair of Real-D glasses weren’t necessary to read it. With one superhero that likes to fly, and another that likes to shoot various projectiles one way or another, the 3D effect was always a natural fit. There’s just something about superhero combat that makes 3D fun.     

Like most films of its ilk, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a product of 3D conversion. While Zack Snyder did use an IMAX camera for a couple special sequences in the film, he opted instead to have the film post-converted. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you’d think that if an IMAX rig was in the cards, then perhaps a couple of sequences could have been shot with native 3D.      

For the most part, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a pretty standard post-conversion product when it comes to the "before the window" factor. The majority of the film doesn’t pop from the screen like you’d want it too, except for certain key sequences that seem to pop way more than others. Batman and Superman’s legendary brawl is a good example of a sequence that feels better converted than most others in the rest of the film. When it’s working, it works rather well - but that’s usually when an IMAX sequence kicks in, and those moments are spread out.      

While Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice doesn’t exactly stick out with its 3D conversion, it does manage to have quite a bit of depth to the picture. In fact, the most effective usage of depth has to come from the atmospheric effects that surround key moments in the film. Fire, snow, and especially rain all seem to exist in a separate layer than the characters, and their surroundings. Also, there are some close-up moments where the facial features of the actors in the scene stand out really well.  

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a darker affair when it comes to its picture. The film utilizes a lot of muted tones, and dark surroundings, which makes a 3D presentation living hell if you’re not careful. While everything seems visible for the most part, it still doesn’t change the fact that the brightness should have been bumped up a couple notches to compensate for Zack Snyder’s choice in color palette. Of course, this is subjective to whether or not your projector is properly calibrated, so your results may vary.      


A good amount of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice plays around with the depths of the characters and their surroundings. The big reason those atmospherics work so well is due to a good level of blur between the two images that your 3D glasses match together to make one, cohesive, third dimension ready whole. So it’s usually safe to assume that the blurrier the picture, the deeper the image is. While it’s not the blurriest we’ve ever seen, it does hold itself up to about the same level as its its competition, and the end result is still quite impressive.   

If there’s anything that Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice can be commended on, other than the 3D effects conveying the depth of the world, then it would have to be the audience health portion of the program. In a film that could have very easily wonked out with the 3D and made viewing it awkward, the film is rock solid. The only nitpick is a minor moment of wonky 3D during the climactic final battle, but other than that the film a-ok for the motion sick members of the audience.   

Why Ben Affleck Thinks He Should Wait To Make A Batman Solo Film

Why Ben Affleck Thinks He Should Wait To Make A Batman Solo Film

No comic book character has received the same level of cinematic attention as Bruce Wayne a.k.a Batman. From Adam West’s campy version from the 1960s, to Christian Bale’s more realistic take on the character, we've seen the comic book icon undergo a metamorphosis over the years. Ben Affleck represents the latest addition to the Batman mythos, and his performance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has been widely praised by audiences and critics. However, despite receiving so much acclaim, Affleck remains hesitant to jump into a solo Batmanmovie because the memory of The Dark Knight trilogy hasn't faded yet.

During a recent interview with Yahoo! Movies, Ben Affleck admitted that he feels The Dark Knight trilogy is too fresh in memory for a brand new Batman solo film to hit theaters:
[Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice] isn’t, to me, a stand-alone Batman movie. Batman’s in it, and I think that’s okay. But I wouldn’t do another just Batman movie right on top of Chris and Christian’s movies. I would just want a little more distance.

So while Ben Affleck most certainly has an interest in taking on a Batman solo adventure, as long as the script and story have been refined, he wants to wait until Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale’s take on the character has faded from our collective memory. Affleck's comments make a certain degree of sense; while Batman plays a prominent role in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, he shares the stage with numerous DC heavy hitters such as Superman and Wonder Woman. It’s a DC story, but it’s ultimately not an exclusively Batman story.
That being said, Ben Affleck’s Batman really does represent the best aspect of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. The film has received mediocre reviews from critics, but pretty much everyone has heaped universal praise on Ben Affleck for his gritty, visceral portrayal of The Dark Knight. It’s a very different type of Batmancompared to Christian Bale’s; one that seems to have leaped straight out of the comic books and come to life. Considering all of the positive reviews regarding his performance, it remains entirely possible that Affleck could soon be convinced to don the cape and cowl again for a solo outing.
As fans of Ben Affleck’s performance as Batman, we will keep our fingers firmly crossed that he changes his mind and returns to the role as quickly as possible. His take on the character is incredibly different from Christian Bale’s, and we think it has enough merit to easily stand on its own.
We will keep you posted regarding any and all details related to the DCEU and the future of Ben Affleck’s Batman. Be sure to catch Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice when it hits theaters on March 25. Stay tuned

