How Kylo Ren May Become More Like Darth Vader In Star Wars: Episode VIII

In case stabbing Han Solo and letting him fall into a reactor in Star Wars: The Force Awakens wasn't clear enough for you, Kylo Ren doesn't care for his living relatives. The man once known as Ben Solo has turned his back on his former life and dedicated himself to the Dark Side of the Force. By doing this, he has also grown obsessed with his grandfather, Darth Vader. It sounds like Kylo Ren's passion for the long-deceased Sith Lord will only grow stronger in Star Wars: Episode VIII, as he's reportedly taken one of his grandpa's fashion choices for himself.
The folks over at Making Star Wars have provided details on Kylo Ren's new costume for Star Wars: Episode VIII. While his intimidating mask mostly looks the same, this time around his robes will look more like what Luke Skywalker wore in Return of the Jedi. His biggest wardrobe change, however, will be a cape that is said to be just like the one Darth Vader proudly displayed, minus the chain clasps. It's unclear whether Kylo Ren's cape is a replica or if he actually found one of Vader's old capes tucked away in a closet, but now the Knight of Ren has apparently gone one step further towards showing his admiration for Vader.
While the exact circumstances of how Ben Solo learned his grandfather was Darth Vader haven't been revealed yet, Kylo Ren has since looked up to the breathing-impaired cyborg as a role model. He's so enthralled with Vader that he was seen talking to the Sith Lord's burnt helmet in his private chamber in The Force Awakens, commenting on how he aims to finish what he started decades ago. It also remains unclear whether he knows that Anakin Skywalker redeemed himself before dying, though we'd like to think that Luke Skywalker passed along that information to sway him from becoming evil. Whatever the case, Kylo Ren is now one of the First Order's top commanders, and he won't let anyone get in the way of him living up to Vader's legacy. Dressing similarly to him is an added bonus.
When we last left Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he was worse for wear thanks to a well-aimed blaster bolt from Chewbacca and a few other injuries. Although he escaped Starkiller Base before it exploded, he was unsuccessful in seizing Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from Rey, which he believed was his inheritance. Disney and Lucasfilm are keeping Star Wars: Episode VIII plot details closely guarded, but at the very least, we'll see Kylo Ren continue his training under Supreme Leader Snoke and lead the First Order in their continuing efforts to bring the New Republic and Resistance to their knees.
Kylo Ren will wreak more havoc when Star Wars: Episode VIII is released on December 15, 2017.

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